Jaden's Medieval RPG



07/11/10 - In need of guild co-leaders!

      White Blades, Burning Shadows and Dayhunters(mostly) are in need of a Co-Leader for when the Leader isn't available. If you would like to apply to be one of the guilds co-leaders, and you are reliable, helpful, trustworthy and i can count on you to be on the server when it's up, go here and fill out an application form. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

07/09/10 - Lag Storm!

         During the past few days Lag has caused the server to be hard to play on. The causes of the lag are still unknown but I'll work on it. It could be either the number of bricks (which really shouldn't be a problem), the number of events (which should only lag if spammed), or all the crap I have in my main folder.  If a solution is not found soon I may have to reinstall Blockland.